Diagnosis of information literacy skills of professionals from the National Library of Cuba



Information literacy, informational competence, education or user training, library personnel, national library


Objective: The informational competences of professionals from the National Library of Cuba José Martí (BNCJM) were identified.
Design/Methodology/Approach: It is a mixed study in which there were used several techniques for information collection such as interview, survey, observation, focus group and ALFIN-HUMASS questionnaire.
Results/Discussion: The results were obtained from the design of three stages, evidencing as main results the difficulties of professionals in the management of ICTs; thus, they need to be integrated into processes of improvement and training.
Conclusions: It was demonstrated that the professionals of the BNCJM need to insert themselves in information skills training processes, which constitutes a weakness for the development of information management. The interest of professionals to contribute to the learning of the training actions of these competences is recognized as an important strength.
Originality/Value: This study is unprecedented in the BNCJM, so these results can serve as a basis for similar diagnoses to be applied in the Public Libraries System of Cuba.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Granela, R., & Fernández Valdés, M. de las M. (2021). Diagnosis of information literacy skills of professionals from the National Library of Cuba. Libraries. Research Annals, 15(1), 68–82. Retrieved from https://revistasbnjm.sld.cu/index.php/BAI/article/view/114