Written information and the iconic representation of death in art
Written information, representation of death, art, Information sciencesAbstract
Objective. Starting from the multi and transdisciplinarity of Information Science (IS), it is explored here a taboo topic like death. Specifically, it isdescribed the linkage of death with the writing and art, such as the identification of written information in art pieces.
Design/Methodology/Approach. This is a documentary and field research which followed an exploratory approach by applying a mix methodology. There were selected art pieces in museums and galleries from Mexico, Spain, and France, for the period January 2011-June 2017. For the identification of written information, it was employed the “Model of identification of written information in art pieces”
Results/Discusion. It is shown the word death and its icons, such as skeletons and parts of it by means of writing forms (letters, numbers or text) displayed in a variety of artistic manifestations.
Conclusions. If information represents signs and symbols that, once interpreted, require of a mental process, it also makes other function, the reflection. With these results, of first approach, it is possible, besides, to deepen in topics like other artists, other creative manifestations, or the analysis of written discourse.
Originality/Value. Consolidation of multi and transdisciplinarity of IS, joined to a taboo topic like death are the nexus to find a knowledge path and think of further studies. The fusion between an unexplored topic, the written information in art pieces, framed in a knowledge field under development, offer some degree of research originality.
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How to Cite
Martínez Musiño, C. (2021). Written information and the iconic representation of death in art. Libraries. Research Annals, 15(1), 99–111. Retrieved from https://revistasbnjm.sld.cu/index.php/BAI/article/view/116
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