Altmetrics and citation indicators applied to scientific production in ScienceOpen: descriptive analysis for Brazil, Spain and Portugal
Altmetrics, Bibliometrics, citation analysis, scientific production, ScienceOpenAbstract
Objective. To describe evidences of certain bibliographic issues and their influence on altmetrics and bibliometrics indicators, considering a set of Brazilian, Spanish and Portuguese articles.Design/Methodology/Approach. From an exploratory approach, a total of 133 articles, available in ScienceOpen and best-positioned from the altmetrics counts, have been analyzed according to characteristics as publication date, authorship and collaboration, subject area, language, number of citations and, finally, altmetrics values derived from altmetric attention scores and mentions collected by Altmetric. Results/Discussion. Data show differences among countries regarding some issues —for example, number of authors by article, or language of publication— for the best-positioned articles in altmetrics rankings. For the whole sample, it is remarkable that more recent articles obtain more mentions and shared authorship is usual.
Conclusions. Altmetrics evaluate visibility and reception of academic articles in web and social media, so they enrich citation data and extend the scope of the scientific production beyond the academic community.
It is required to study and understand the social impact of science and to identify which elements of the publication process have direct influences over the popularization of scientific research. Originality/Value. Besides of dealing with a sample of Ibero-american articles, usually underrepresented in bibliometric databases, this study emphasizes the complementary role of the different dimensions that have to be taken into account in scientific communication.
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