Analysis of the research productivity, collaboration networks and scientific impact of the Center of Fisheries Research, Cuba (2000-2015)
Citation analysis, Bibliometrics, Fisheries research, Scientific production, Collaboration networksAbstract
Objective. It was examined the investigative productivity, collaboration networks and scientific impact of the Center of Fisheries Research (CFR), located in Cuba.Design/Methodology/Approach. It is a research of a bibliometric character where production, collaboration and impact indicators were examined over the 2000-2015 period.
Results/Discussion. The research productivity was irregular according to the yearly evolution. Papers written in Spanish and published by Latin American journals are highlighted. By other hand multiple authorships prevailed, being aquiculture the most addressed topic. Collaboration between the CFR members with researchers of external affiliation was very low and the inter-institutional relationships were mostly given with Cuban, Mexican, Venezuelan, and Chilean institutions. Lastly, citation indicators displayed a growing trend towards receiving citations by Cuban and Latin American journal papers.
Conclusions. The Cuban economic interests and the characteristics of its own ecosystem affect and define the behavior of research produced by the CFR.
Originality/Value. There are revealed the trends regarding scientific production, collaboration and impact of a center devoted to fisheries research; something that lacks of precedents for this sector and also for this field of science in Cuba.
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How to Cite
Thomas-Sánchez, R., Pis Ramírez, M. A., & Arencibia Carballo, G. (2021). Analysis of the research productivity, collaboration networks and scientific impact of the Center of Fisheries Research, Cuba (2000-2015). Libraries. Research Annals, 13(2), 189–205. Retrieved from
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