Participatory evaluation competences



Indexing, Registry System (Universities), Records, Work processes


Objective. This article aimed at analyzing the indexing process within the record production phase at the registry system of Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).
Design/Methodology/Approach. It has done in two steps. First, a quantitative and qualitative survey were done in information science and archive science journals. Likewise, it was investigated how the indexing has been incorporated into the Sistema Protocolo Integrado (SPI) that was instituted by a Brazilian legislation in 2014. Second, it was analyzed how the indexing was working in the registry system of UFF.
Results/Discussion. There were a few number of articles produced in information science area about indexing in archives. Archive science journals present the indexing as a secondary process. There were also approaches in which indexing was subordinated to archival description. Moreover, the Brazilian laws regarding SPI implementation did not define indexing polices, even though it is considered one step of record registry. UFF was implementing the SPI in its registry system, but indexing policies was not being thought. The indexing technique has been applied empirically according to the experience of each scrivener.
Conclusions. The records indexing is part of social practices and it is done by community language use. Universities, as producer entities, have specificities according to their administrative dynamics, hierarchical structures and decisions. Those characteristics make universities differ from other organizations.
Originality/Value. The strategy dimensions of analysis and representation of records aiming to the retrieval of information in the production phase of archives has been little explored in the literature of the fields of Information Science and Archival Science. However, with the adoption of computerized and integrated information systems in our contemporaneity, indexing has been a recurrent practice in the registry systems of universities. The present work seeks to reflect on such praxis in order to contribute with important issues faced in the routine of those information systems.


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How to Cite

Ochôa, P., & Gaspar Pinto, L. (2018). Participatory evaluation competences. Libraries. Research Annals, 14(2), 232–241. Retrieved from