Information Science in Uruguay (2013-2017): Research lines and academic output



Information Science, Uruguay, Research lines, Academic output


Objective: To explore and describe the Information Science (IS) field in Uruguay during the last five years (2013-2017). General objectives: to promote inquiries about the theoretical - methodological perspectives of the areas; encourage exchanges and academic agreements. Specific objectives: to present the main areas with their lines and international references; disseminate to researchers and their productions; publicize their bibliography; and allow a greater approximation between the academic community inside and outside the institution.
Design/Methodology/Approach: It is based on data collection methods and the analysis of research areas and lines as from documentary sources (plans, programs and curriculum vitae of researchers). Teachers and researchers from the postgraduate degrees (masters and doctorates) in Information Institute were also consulted during March-May 2018.
Results/Discussions: 14 research areas (5 consolidated, 6 in development and 3 incipient) and 25 research lines (9 consolidated, 11 in development and 5 incipient) related to the IS subfields are presented, with the academic output that support the studies.
Conclusions: They take as axis the strengths and weaknesses identified in the study, which are the basis for an essential research that deepens the results obtained through a documentary analysis of production, interviews with researchers, discussion groups and workshops focused on the conceptualization of IS by the academic collective of the discipline.
Originality/Value: This study presents original knowledge, it is a starting point to deepen on certain information and triangulate it with other research methods that enable and motivate the interpretation of the general and specific theoretical perspectives of each field of IS in Uruguay from the last years.


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How to Cite

Sabelli, M. (2021). Information Science in Uruguay (2013-2017): Research lines and academic output. Libraries. Research Annals, 15(2), 179–211. Retrieved from