Design of an informatics system for the management of continuous resources in the National Library of Cuba “José Martí”



Cataloguing, Kardex, Continuous resources, Library services, Integrated library management system (ILMS)


Objective. It was designed an informatics system for managing the continuous resources at the National Library of Cuba “José Martí” (NLCJM).
Design/Methodology/Approach. A RUP methodology was used to guide the system; while UML was employed as modeling language.
Results/Discussion. It was presented the identification and the modeling of processes from the Serial Publications Department of the NLCJM.
Functional and non-functional system requirements were captured; such as the actors and workers involved in the process. Finally, the logical data model was designed.
Conclusions. The design of the system contributes to the automation of processes in the BNCJM and to follow up on the actions carried out in its serial publications department.
Originality/Value. The designed system considers the inclusion of the kardex of serial publications, thus allowing a more effective control of the existence of publications in the library’s collections.


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How to Cite

Guerra Marcos, A., & Hernández Barrios, A. (2021). Design of an informatics system for the management of continuous resources in the National Library of Cuba “José Martí”. Libraries. Research Annals, 13(2), 173–188. Retrieved from